- Focus on Club membership to:
- increase retention and recruitment efforts in order to end the 23-24 Rotary year with a plus one membership total over the previous year.
- ensure that our Club represents a diverse population of Adams County citizens and businesses, and
- provide a variety of programs, speakers, and community service experiences that members and prospective members value.
- Develop a comprehensive multiyear plan for Club philanthropic efforts that is recognized as distinctive Gettysburg and New Oxford Rotary programs and projects. Residents, businesses, and communities in Adams County should be aware of our service and philanthropic work and view them having value. Sustain District and/or Rotary International grant making that is in alignment with Club goals and budget. Projected total of member donations for 2023-2024:
- Rotary Foundation Annual Fund - $12,000
- PolioPlus - $12,000
- Ensure our Club’s operational structure fully supports our programmatic and philanthropic work.
- Recruit, educate and encourage future leaders for Club committees, service projects and the governing Board to sustain our valued reputation in the county and communities.
- Always adhere to the Rotary Four Truths in all we do.